There may be a way for you to earn college credits based on verifiable learning you acquired through your life, work or military experience. We call this Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).
The Personal Prior Learning Survey below will help us begin to evaluate your learning from your experiences and begin to assess and evaluate if you know the skills to receive credit certification, or advanced standing toward further Riverland education or career training.
You have a wealth of knowledge and life experiences and we value that at Riverland.
To find out how your experiences could translate to college credit take our Survey:
There are three ways to show Riverland that your knowledge is college-level in order to earn credit towards your program: Pass it, Provide it, or Prove it
Take and pass a Standardized Exam that allows you to test out of certain courses.
Submit military training transcripts, current, valid industry credentials or licenses, etc. that allows you to test out of certain courses.
Build a portfolio of your learning and submit it for review or demonstrate your skills through a Skills Assessment.
Near the top of the Riverland main webpage you can click on the Academics link to find your major, and once you are on your major webpage you can review the Course Sequence tab to find out what courses are required for your major.
This will depend on the types of courses that are required for your major, how many credits that courses are, and how many courses you believe that you qualify for college credit.
You can review the types or Credit for Prior Learning shown above and then take the free Short Survey to help determine if you could potentially get college credit for your previous experience, exams, or certification(s).
Depending on your background, depth of knowledge and length of work experience you could be eligible for earning college credit
Just like work experience, depending on your background, depth of knowledge and length of time volunteering you could be eligible for earning college credit.
It is possible for Industry Certifications to expire based on how long ago you obtained the certification and when you last used the associated skills.
Look at your DD-214 or speak with an NCO in your unit/team
All Riverland students have an assigned advisor and you can reach out to your advisor to learn more make an appointment to visit with an Academic Advisor in the Student Services area on your campus.