Community Leadership

If you are looking to grow one or two of your organization’s employees as leaders, consider one of our Community Leadership programs.

We have partnered with your local Chamber of Commerce to offer a community leadership program designed to enable candidates to learn about this area’s resources, values, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges.

Discussions provide opportunities for candidates to exchange ideas, build networks, and begin the process of identifying and solving important community issues.
This is a ten-month program offered in Albert Lea, Austin, Farimont (Martin County), and Waseca. Applications are available in the spring with an August kickoff.

Community Leadership Programs

Leadership Austin
Austin - Mower County

LEADERSHIP Austin is a community leadership program which provides participants an intense look at the business, agriculture, politics, education, quality of life, health care, human services, public safety and diversity of our community.

Albert Lea Leadership
Albert Lea - Freeborn County

LEADERSHIP Albert Lea-Freeborn County is a community leadership program which
provides participants an intense look at business, agriculture, politics, education, quality of life, health care, human services, public safety and diversity of our community.

Martin County
Martin County

A leadership program designed to enable candidates to learn about Martin County resources, values, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. A learning experience geared toward providing an in-depth look at eight key elements of our community; education, economic development, government, healthcare, public safety, quality of life, agriculture, and culture & diversity.

waseca leadership
Greater Waseca

A leadership program designed to enable candidates to learn about Waseca area resources, values, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. A learning experience geared toward providing an in-depth look at key elements of the community; agriculture, education, government, economic development, healthcare, public safety, quality of life/ diversity.

Peggy Young

Connect with our Representative

Peggy Young

Peggy Young has been with Riverland Community College since 1991 and joined the Riverland Customized Training and Education team in 2008.  Her focus is on Industrial Safety, Manufacturing, Leadership, Trade & Industry, and providing Strengths-based training as a StrengthsQuest Educator. Peggy is also the Department of Labor – MnAMP grant manager and MJSP grant coordinator for Riverland Community College.  Peggy works with individuals and business clients to provide solutions through customized training with a focus on curriculum enhancement and extended learning initiatives.

Contact Peggy Young at 507-433-0602 or peggy.young@riverland.edu for more information about programs, courses, and services.