- Create a comprehensive model for Faculty Support and specific Professional Development offerings that support student success.
- Professional Development Plans are tied to college and individual goals.
- Utilize student engagement data and course surveys that will provide feedback to faculty at mid-term and end of semester.
- Enhance SLOAP for continuous improvement.
- Monitor progress on program fact sheets and use program review process for course and program improvement.
- Create specific training, tools, and support for quality online, hybrid and f2f teaching to increase success rates.
- Develop new tools for ÃÛÌÒTVs and peers to provide useful feedback to faculty at different stages of their career and in different modalities.
- Increase faculty participation rate to 90% in professional development to enhance teaching effectiveness.
- Student satisfaction scores (aggregate, not by individual instructor) average satisfactory or excellent ratings.
- Student learning assessment results entered and analyzed by 90% of faculty.
- Complete and implement program review plans in each academic program on a two-year cycle.
- Increase course completion rates on all courses (online, blended, or F2F), reduce W’s and F’s by 10%.
- Increase program outcome results with 85% of student pass rates of licensures and certification exams.
- Improve the faculty feedback, review, and evaluation process and resources to enhance faculty effectiveness.
- 2% annual increase in program outcomes.
- Provide support, feedback, and professional development to faculty.
- Student listening sessions in multiple formats.
- Analyze data for continuous improvement.
- Increase course success rates which will increase program success rates.
- Improve gateway courses in Math, Communications, and Science with higher grades that will allow students to pursue transfer pathways in STEM careers.
- Identify courses with higher grades and develop strategies to improve outcomes in those courses.
- Meet accreditation requirements in Nursing, Radiography, and Peace Officer.