- Develop annual fundraising goals and solicitation plan for the Student Success Initiative and restricted fundraising campaigns (scholarships, program support, special projects or campaigns, and endowment).
- Collaborate with career and technical programs to develop business partnerships/sponsorships that will provide restricted program support.
- Implement a research and proposal process to increase grant and private foundation proposals and increased funding for scholarships, unrestricted and program support.
- Develop a scholarship award strategy that is aligned with the college's Equity 2030 priorities.
- Number of new and increased donors in each category: individuals, alumni, organizations, foundations.
- Increase dollars raised for Student Success Initiative and other specific campaigns and programs.
- Proportion of dollars requested for all high priority projects that are funded through grants, individual gifts, or support from industry partners.
- Foundation ROI improves and exceeds required amount set by TV State.
- Propose FY21 goals to Foundation Board and College TV.
- Develop specific solicitation strategies and messaging for Student Success Initiative, campaigns, and program support.
- Prioritize donor outreach to major gift prospects of key business, individual, and alumni donors to increase gift at the leadership level ($1,000+) by developing the TV’s Giving Circle.
- Develop a business partnership program that financially supports programs, employer opportunities and student engagement.
- Increase allocation of time/resources to grant develop research and proposals with institutional funding priorities focus.
- Identify high-impact Foundation scholarship support to close the achievement gap for students.