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OBJECTIVE: Build sustaining relationships and establish funding priorities to ensure long term financial and physical viability of the college.

  1. Develop and implement a comprehensive external funding plan to support College projects.
  2. Ensure College budget is aligned with data-based decision making.
  3. Invest in campus facility improvements (prioritizing improvements that create safe, attractive, and inclusive learning environments).
  4. Develop, fund, implement technological innovations that support Program, People and Outreach projects.
GOAL 1: Develop and implement a comprehensive external funding plan to support College projects.
Strategies Success Indicators Action Steps
  1. Develop annual fundraising goals and solicitation plan for the Student Success Initiative and restricted fundraising campaigns (scholarships, program support, special projects or campaigns, and endowment).
  2. Collaborate with career and technical programs to develop business partnerships/sponsorships that will provide restricted program support.
  3. Implement a research and proposal process to increase grant and private foundation proposals and increased funding for scholarships, unrestricted and program support.
  4. Develop a scholarship award strategy that is aligned with the college's Equity 2030 priorities.
  • Number of new and increased donors in each category: individuals, alumni, organizations, foundations.
  • Increase dollars raised for Student Success Initiative and other specific campaigns and programs.
  • Proportion of dollars requested for all high priority projects that are funded through grants, individual gifts, or support from industry partners.
  • Foundation ROI improves and exceeds required amount set by TV State.
  • Propose FY21 goals to Foundation Board and College TV.
  • Develop specific solicitation strategies and messaging for Student Success Initiative, campaigns, and program support.
  • Prioritize donor outreach to major gift prospects of key business, individual, and alumni donors to increase gift at the leadership level ($1,000+) by developing the TV’s Giving Circle.
  • Develop a business partnership program that financially supports programs, employer opportunities and student engagement.
  • Increase allocation of time/resources to grant develop research and proposals with institutional funding priorities focus.
  • Identify high-impact Foundation scholarship support to close the achievement gap for students.
GOAL 2: Ensure College budget is aligned with data-based decision making.
Strategies Success Indicators Action Steps
  1. Develop Riverland’s Key Performance Indicators dashboard.
  2. Match Program Budgets with desired outcomes.
  3. Ensure Cost Center managers understand and use Student Success Measures.
  • Composite Financial Index (CFI) (financial health indicator) and fund balance exceed the required TV State measures.
  • Instructional Cost Study results improve (department, program, and overall).
  • State Appropriation amount received.
  • Review 30-day Semester Enrollment Reports at semester start to do real time review on Instructional Costs and Student Success Measures.
  • Explore measures that influence state appropriation.
GOAL 3: Invest in campus facility improvements (prioritizing improvements that create safe, attractive, and inclusive learning environments).
Strategies Success Indicators Action Steps
  1. Reduce deferred maintenance backlog.
  2. Use classroom space utilization reports to guide maintenance and renovation decisions.
  3. Prepare a detailed Repair and Replacement Project List.
  4. Collaborate with Campus Diversity Officer to guide allocation of Access and Opportunity funds.
  • Facility Condition Index (FCI) (deferred maintenance) improves [Target: deferred maintenance under 10%].
  • Space utilization improves [Baseline: 30%, Target: 60% over five years].
  • Spend at least $1 per square foot on maintenance to meet financial health indicator.
  • Funding allocated to access and opportunity initiatives.
  • Design work for Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement (HEAPR) Austin East Electrical Distribution Project (July 2020) and new equipment install in summer 2021.
  • Administration review Space Utilization Report (October 2020).
  • Develop plans to improve space utilization.
  • Diversity Officer and Administration meetings on Access and Opportunity budget to meet College goals.
  • Diversity Officer and Financial Officer develop system office funds use report.
GOAL 4: Develop, fund, implement technological innovations that support Program, People and Outreach projects.
Strategies Success Indicators Action Steps
  1. Improve services provided by key areas of Technology and Learning Resources.
  2. Actualize classrooms that foster “Attend Your Way” and “Hy-Flex” learning environments.
  3. Incorporate additional tools that support online learning.
  4. Increase number and scope of training opportunities.
  • Improve Services:
    • Less than 1% downtime in critical infrastructure.
    • Improve number served with Library services by 10%.
    • Riverland Support Center will serve more than 5000 requests.
    • Schedule additional training for Technology and Learning Resources’ employees to enhance customer service and breadth of services offered.
  • Actualize Classroom:
    • Classrooms equipped with current/future proof technology to greater than 50% with a 500% increase in Hy-Flex room use.
  • Additional Tools:
    • 2.5%-5% of Online Differential revenues utilized to explore content delivery systems.
  • Training Opportunities:
    • Regularly scheduled training events meeting the needs of Riverland employees.
  • Establish baselines of services and performance by comparing like-sized college averages.
  • Create/administer amortization and maintenance schedule for core equipment.
  • Promote Library services.
  • Identify/acquire library resources to serve stakeholders.
  • Seek, register, and attend training appropriate to employee position and classification.
  • Seek funding from grants.
  • Gather/Create academic technology specifications, schedule of academic technology upgrades at all locations.
  • Seek funding to mature from analog to digital classroom technology.
  • Train faculty in the use of Hy-Flex environments.
  • Allocate dedicated human and fiscal resources to research.
  • Develop, administer and analyze training preferences survey.
  • Create and promote a repository to host resources and recordings.